Student Support Services
From financial aid to teaching learning skills, and everything in between, the Office of Student Affairs is here to support the students at the UCR School of Medicine reach their goals.
Financial Aid Office
The Office of Financial Aid at the UCR School of Medicine is here to help you meet the costs of your medical education and to help teach you how to manage your finances and educational debt, freeing you to concentrate on your academic pursuits. Our services include loan counseling, advice on maintaining financial aid eligibility, workshops, and tools to manage your loan portfolio.
Visit the Financial Aid Office web page
Academic Counseling and Success Programs
The Academic Counseling and Success Programs assist students in developing effective study, time management and organizational skills in order to minimize distractions, anxiety and stress and to maximize success as a medical student. Individual meetings allow students the opportunity to identify their learning style, identify academic strengths and weaknesses and develop an individualized study plan.
In addition to meeting with students individually, the office hosts workshops throughout the year. Topics include:
- Creating an effective study plan.
- Transforming negative self-talk.
- Preparing for the USMLE
- Stress/time management techniques
In addition to individual student support and workshops, the office oversees:
- Tutoring/Supplemental Instructor Program
- Student academic advising
- Referrals to the University Counseling Center
- Referrals to the Student Disability Resource Center
- Referrals to the UCR Title IX/Sexual Harassment Office
For more information or to schedule an appointment, please contact Christina Granillo at (951) 827-7834 or christina.granillo@ucr.edu.
Recognizing Stress in Medical Students
Stress is reflected by physical and mental changes in the body. These changes can be described as:
- Changes in physical state or appearance (insomnia, weight loss or gain, poor personal hygiene).
- Changes in actions (substance abuse, fidgeting, not communicating effectively).
- Changes in emotions or personality (withdrawn behavior, excessive shyness, mood swings).
- Changes in thinking (difficulty concentrating, loss of self-confidence, forgetfulness, negative self-talk or attitude, poor judgment).
- In addition, students under stress may also turn to negative coping strategies.
- Avoidance: procrastination, withdrawal from social or familial obligations, excessive sleep.
- Distractions from the stressors: video games, shopping, television.
- Violence: yelling and screaming, throwing objects, physical abuse.
- Chemicals: caffeine, alcohol, tobacco, illicit drugs.
If you see signs of stress in yourself or your fellow students, we encourage you to contact the Office of Student Affairs for specialized and confidential referrals.
Refer to our list of health and wellness resources.
SOM Suicide Prevention and Awareness Crisis Response Plan
The UCR School of Medicine Suicide Awareness and Prevention Crisis Response Plan is designed to assist UCR SOM faculty and staff during an emergency involving suicidal ideation, planning or completion. The plan is not all-inclusive but is intended to provide for a systematic approach to responding to psychological emergencies and students’ imminent needs.