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Outside Scholarships for Pathway Students

This information on outside scholarships has been compiled as a resource for Pathway Program students looking for additional funding.

  • The information in this document should not be construed as any type of endorsement or support of any particular organization, individual, points of view, products, or services offered by these outside sites.
  • Outside scholarships are not administered by the School of Medicine.
  • The School of Medicine does not control or guarantee the accuracy, relevance, timeliness, or completeness of this outside information.
  • All information provided is subject to change or revision.
  • Before applying, please take the time to verify guidelines & due dates.

AAHD Scholarship Program

The AAHD Frederick J. Krause Scholarship on Health and Disability is awarded annually to a deserving  student with a disability who is pursuing undergraduate/graduate studies (must be at least enrolled as a Junior in college) in an accredited university who is pursuing studies related to the health and disability, to include, but not limited to  public health, health promotion, disability studies, disability research, rehabilitation engineering, audiology, disability policy, special education and majors that will impact quality of life of persons with disabilities.

AAUW's Re-Entry Scholarship

The Women's Re-Entry Scholarship is awarded by the Poway-Penasquitos Branch of the American Association of University Women and is intended for a woman who is returning to a school of higher education to complete her education.

Amount: $2,000

American Indian College Fund

The American Indian College Fund provides American Indian/Alaska Native students who are U.S. citizens enrolled full time with a GPA of 2.0 or greater and are registered as a member of a federal or state recognized tribe or a descendant of a grandparent or parent who is an enrolled tribal member.

American Indian Science and Engineering Society

American Indian Science and Engineering Society applicants must be an enrolled member or a decedent of an enrolled member of a federal or state recognized American Indian Tribe or Alaska Native Village; or Native Hawaiian or decedent from a Native Hawaiian; or Pacific Islander or decedent from Pacific Islander; or Indigenous person of Canada. Applicants must be STEM majors and members of AISES.

American Legion Auxiliary Scholarship for Non-Traditional Students

The Non-Traditional Student Scholarship helps people who are part of The Legion Family pursue a college degree later in life or allow them to pick up where they left off when their studies were interrupted.

Applicants must be two-year, dues paying members of the American Legion, Auxiliary, or Sons of The American Legion. Applicants may be pursuing training in a certified, trade, professional, or technical program, or a two-year or four-year degree program
Amount: $2,000

Agatha J. Baxter Memorial Scholarship-Riverside City College

The Inland Empire Community Foundation (IECF) established the Agatha J. Baxter Memorial Scholarship to provide support to underserved students of high scholastic standing who are either enrolled in or have been granted admission to institutions of higher education located in Riverside County. Recipients must be continuing Riverside City College students who are permanent residents of Riverside or San Bernardino County, demonstrate financial need and have a cumulative GPA of 3.0 or higher.

Best Colleges Scholarships for African American Students

Best Colleges Scholarships for African American Students provides extensive resources, scholarship information, and scholarship opportunities for African-American students.

Black College Dollars

Sallie Mae’s free scholarship search, focused on African American students

BlackExcel’s 100 Minority Scholarships

Scholarship, grant, fellowship, and internship information specifically for members of underrepresented groups who pursue professions in chemistry-related sciences.

California Hispanic Education Endowment Fund (HEEF)

Amount: $2,500

The Orange County (OC) Hispanic Educational Endowment Fund (HEEF) serves US Citizens, Permanent Residents and Dream Act/ AB 540 students who live in Orange County, California only. HEEF offers competitive academic scholarships for OC high school and community college transfers who qualify for need based financial aid and who enroll at a 4-year college or university.

California Strawberry Growers' Fund Scholarships

Amount: $5,000

The California Strawberry Scholarship Program has awarded more than $2 million to hundreds of children of strawberry farm workers. First-time applicants must have a parent that is currently employed as a California strawberry fieldworker for the current and prior two harvest seasons.

California Wine Grape Growers Foundation Scholarships

The California Wine Grape Growers Foundation Scholarships fund students who may study the subject of their choice. Students must be enrolled in 12 college units during the scholarhip award period.

Chicana/Latina Foundation

The Chicana/Latina Foundation provides female Chicana/Latina students from Northern California with a cumulative GPA of 2.0 or greater that are enrolled full-time.

Eugene and Thora Chin Scholarship

The Eugene and Thora Chin Scholarship provides Asian/Pacific Islander heritage students with a cumulative college GPA of 3.5 or greater or a cumulative high school GPA of 4.0.  Preference is given to students with financial need.

Cobell Scholarship

The Cobell Scholarship for full-time American Indian or Alaska Native students who demonstrate financial need. International students find scholarships to attend college in the USA.

Coca-Cola Scholars Foundation

The Coca-Cola Scholars Program Scholarship is an achievement-based scholarship awarded to graduating high school seniors each year. Students are recognized for their capacity to lead and serve, and their commitment to making a significant impact on their schools and communities.

College Board Online

College Board Online is a database of approximately 3,300 sponsors. The College Board Online Database does not retain personal information; you must reenter your personal data each time you search for scholarships.

Computer Science Online

Computer Science Online provides extensive resources for both undergraduate and graduate students interested in Computer Science (CS) or STEM-related disciplines (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics).

Congressional Black Caucus Foundation

The Congressional Black Caucus Foundation provides African-American students pursuing careers in a variety of fields.

Vincent Del Pizzo Endowed Scholarship Fund - Giving

The Vincent Del Pizzo Endowed Scholarship Fund are selected by ASUCR committee. Recipient must have a GPA of 3.0 or above in any major. Recipient must be an active participant in school activities with expressed strong leadership roles within UCR and the surrounding community.

Education Corner

Education Corner is a very comprehensive site to find thousands of scholarships. Organized by category as well as alphabetically.

EduMed: Scholarships for African American Students

EduMed lists scholarships (along with academic and career resources) for African-American students. Many of the scholarships are specifically for healthcare-related fields.

Gates Millennium Scholars

Gates Millennium Scholars select 1,000 talented students each year to receive a good-through-graduation scholarship to use at any college or university of their choice. They provide Gates Millennium Scholars with personal and professional development through our leadership programs along with academic support throughout their college career.

Gen and Kelly Tanabe Scholarship

The Gen and Kelly Tanabe Scholarship is open to all students, of all ages, and can be used towards college or university at the undergraduate or graduate level. Open to all high school students, college students, graduate students, and adult learners
Amount: $1,000

Go College Scholarship Search

The Go College Scholarship Search service lists more than 8,000 funding sources comprised of more than 600,000 individual awards and selects those matching the student’s profile. You must choose a user ID and password to use this service. The main Go College web page provides college-related resources and information.

Google SVA Scholarship

Each year, the Student Veterans of America (SVA) partners with Google to give back to military veterans. The Google SVA Scholarship is awarded to student veterans who are pursuing a higher education degree for computer science in the United States.

It is open to student veterans who are planning to or already pursuing a higher education degree for computer science in the United States
Amount: $10,000

Jeremy Robert Harrison Endowed Award Fund

Recipients of the Jeremy Robert Harrison Endowed Award Fund are selected by ASUCR committee. Recipient must have a GPA of 3.0 or above in any major. Recipient must be an active participant in school activities with expressed strong leadership roles within UCR and the surrounding community.

Hellenic Communication Services

Hellenic Communication Services scholarships for undergraduate and graduate students who are U.S. citizens of Greek descent, for Greek and Cypriot citizens studying in the United States, and for Canadian citizens of Greek descent.

Hispanic Scholarship Fund

The Hispanic Scholarship Fund is a free online scholarship directory for students of Hispanic Heritage. Students may download a printable directory of scholarship listings or search the online database according to personal criteria. This site also offers general guidelines and tips to aid students in the scholarship process.

Human Rights Campaign

The Human Rights Campaign website offers a large list of undergraduate and graduate student scholarships for LGBT students and students who are LGBT allies.

Hungarian American Coalition - Bognar Family Hungarian Scholarship

The Hungarian American Coalition - Bognar Family Hungarian Scholarship provides continuing undergraduates who are citizens of the United States or Hungary, or member of an ethnic Hungarian community in Slovakia, Romania, Serbia, Ukraine, Croatia or Slovenia.

IIE Study Abroad Database

The IIE Study Abroad Database is a comprehensive database of study abroad scholarships, fellowships, and grants searchable by country or subject

Iranian Scholarship Foundation

The Iranian Scholarship Foundation supports students of Iranian heritage with a cumulative GPA of 3.5 or greater with financial need and who demonstrate a commitment to community service.

Islamic Society of North America

The Islamic Society of North America provides multiple scholarships for Muslim American students who are U.S. citizens or permanent residents.

Italian American Foundation

The Italian American Foundation provides Italian students with high academic achievements, or any student studying Italian language or studies.  Must be U.S. citizens with cumulative GPA's of 3.5 or greater, and a member of the NIAF.

Jewish Scholarships Portal

The Jewish Scholarships Portal is hosted by Hillel International, this database lists hundreds of scholarships for Jewish students.

Life Lessons Scholarship Program

The Life Lessons Scholarship Program provides qualified entrants who submit essays or videos about how the death of a parent impacted their lives are eligible for scholarship money. Nearly $900,000 in college scholarships have been awarded over the years.

The Mabel Wilson Richards Scholarship

The Mabel Wilson Richards Scholarship provides grants that are made on a competitive basis, consideration being given to scholastic achievement, financial need and promise. Eligibility is determined from the applicant’s statements on the application form and the school reports.


The Mexican American Legal Defense and Educational Fund (MALDEF) provides a comprehensive directory of scholarships open to or specifically designated for undocumented students.

Military Officers’ Association of America Scholarship Fund

Military Officers’ Association of America Scholarship Fund provides grants, and loans available to the military community.

“Mom to Scholar” Scholarship for Mothers

The “Mom to Scholar” Scholarship for Mothers is open to mothers who want to begin or resume their journey towards earning a technical or college degree.

Open to mothers over the age of 35 either accepted to or a attending technical, community, or four-year college/university
Amount: $1,000

Online Colleges Scholarships for Minority Students

Online Colleges Scholarships for Minority Students ( includes a well-organized listing of scholarships and financial aid resources specifically for minority students.

Pre-Health Dreamers Scholarships

Pre-Health Dreamers Scholarships are an extensive list of scholarships for pre-health and medicine students.

Sallie Mae Scholarship Search

Sallie Mae Scholarship Search allows students to search the free database for funding information from a variety of resources, including scholarships, fellowships, grants, work study, loan programs, tuition waivers, internships, competitions, and work co-operative programs.

Dr. Sarah E. Maloy Memorial Scholarship

The Dr. Sarah E. Maloy Memorial Scholarship is a $1,000 scholarship offered by the Riverside Woman's Club that is presented to a male or female first or second year medical student. The scholarship is awarded based on the applicant's community service, financial need, essay, academic background, and other relevant information. Application deadline is Thursday, April 7. Contact the Financial Aid office for the application form. focuses on international scholarships, so it’s helpful in looking for funding to study abroad. It also has a lot of US scholarships. provides a browsable list of scholarships classified by criteria such as academic major or state. The lists include captions about each scholarship and links to a detailed page of information on the scholarship including how to apply. The site does not appear to require any registration.

Scholarships For Veterans

Scholarships For Veterans provide a list of funding opportunities for veterans. allows you to enter your personalized profile to match your specific skills, talents, interests, and abilities to database of over 600,000 college scholarship awards. Your results will be delivered to you immediately on-line. also offers information on loans and grants.

Study Abroad Funding

Search for study abroad funding sources by country, subject of study, or applicant demographic.


Unigo helps students and parents to quickly and accurately identify sources of college scholarships. They help both US and international students find scholarships to attend college in the USA.

United Negro College Fund (UNCF)

United Negro College Fund (UNCF) provides a large listing of scholarships available for African American graduate and undergraduate students who attend or attended UNCF member institutions.

10,000 Degrees Childcare Scholarship

10,000 Degrees Childcare Scholarship provides full-time students with financial need who are enrolled in a program leading to their first bachelor's degree.

180 Medical Scholarship

180 Medical Scholarship provides U.S. citizens who will attend full time in the fall.  Applicants must be under a doctor's care for spina bifida, a spinal cord injury, transverse myelitis, a condition causing a neurogenic bladder, or an ostomy (ileostomy, colostomy, or urostomy).