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SOM Handbook


UCR School of Medicine Student Handbook

Overview & College Policies


College Policies

Student Professionalism

Student Mistreatment

Nondiscrimination & Policy Statements

Student Resources

Facilities Related Policies

Student Affairs

Academic Success, Technical Standards, & Accommodations

Security, Student Safety, and Disaster Preparedness

Financial Support, Health Care & Wellness

Clinical Related Policies

Registrar Related Policies & Academic Calendar

Extra-Curricular Activities


Undergraduate Medical Education (Curriculum)


Progress, Promotion, & Graduation

UC Riverside School of Medicine Handbook 2024 – 2025


The student handbook provides information regarding medical school curriculum and policies that all students are expected to adhere to during their time as a matriculated student.  Students are accountable for all information contained in this document and should take time to familiarize themselves with the content.

UCR School of Medicine – Mission Statement

The mission of the UCR School of Medicine is to improve the health of the people of California and, especially, to serve Inland Southern California by training a diverse workforce of physicians and by developing innovative research and health care delivery programs that will improve the health of the medically underserved in the region and become models to be emulated throughout the state and nation.

Our Values

  • Inclusion – Embracing diversity in the broadest sense and appreciating all points of view
  • Integrity – Exhibiting honesty and the highest ethical standards in all matters
  • Innovation – Pursuing organizational goals with creativity and novelty
  • Excellence – Demonstrating extraordinary dedication to the highest quality outcomes
  • Accountability – Taking responsibility and ownership
  • Respect – Showing consideration and appreciation for others

Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Policy

The University of California, Riverside (UCR) School of Medicine (SOM) believes that a diverse student body, faculty and staff are essential to achieving academic excellence. The School of Medicine is committed to recruiting students, trainees, faculty, and staff responsive to the SOM mission whose diversity contributes to an optimal learning environment. People of varied backgrounds – those with a variety of individual experiences, values, and worldviews arising from differences of culture and circumstance – bring added value to the education of students and trainees, research, and service to the community. In building a diverse and inclusive medical school, those differences that can add to the value of our educational environment include, but are not limited to, gender, gender identity, gender expression, race, ethnicity, age, religious affiliation, abilities/disabilities, educational or socio-economic disadvantage (distance traveled), first in family to attend an institution of higher learning, personal or family experience of having limited access to health care, unique or challenging life experiences, and sexual orientation.

The SOM is committed to recognizing and nurturing merit, talent, and achievement by supporting diversity and equal opportunity in education, research and creative activity, clinical and community service, and leadership. Consistent with the principles and policies of the University of California and UCR, the School of Medicine will endeavor to remove barriers to the recruitment, retention, and advancement of students, faculty and staff from historically excluded populations who are currently underrepresented in medical education and the practice of medicine. Recruitment efforts and resources will be aligned with the goal to recruit individuals from groups underrepresented in medicine into faculty positions, recognizing that faculty serve as role models to attract a diverse student body. Given the mission of the UCR SOM and the desire to see the faculty, as well as the student body, reflect the cultural, socioeconomic, and ethnic diversity of the region served by the medical school, searches will endeavor to recruit faculty and staff with these diverse characteristics.

Disability Disclosure Statement

The UCR School of Medicine (SOM) provides equitable access to learning opportunities for students with documented infectious and/or environmental diseases or disabilities. The SOM will engage, confidentially, with students in the interactive process of requesting reasonable accommodations in the classroom and clinical settings through with UCR Student Disability Resource Center (SDRC). Students seeking accommodations through SDRC must engage in the interactive process at least two weeks prior to the start of the services being requested.

More information regarding disability accommodations can be found online at

Licensure and Certification Disclosures

University of California programs for professions that require licensure or certification are intended to prepare the student for California licensure and certification requirements. Admission into programs for professions that require licensure and certification does not guarantee that students will obtain a license or certificate. Licensure and certification requirements are set by agencies that are not controlled by or affiliated with the University of California and licensure and certification requirements can change at any time.

The University of California has not determined whether its programs meet other states’ educational or professional requirements for licensure and certification. Students planning to pursue licensure or certification in other states are responsible for determining whether, if they complete a University of California program, they will meet their state’s requirements for licensure or certification. This disclosure is made pursuant to 34 CFR §668.43(a)(5)(v)(C).

Student Conduct

A medical student in their role as an apprentice physician is bound by rules of conduct known as the Medical Code of Ethics. The principles are outlined in the UCR School of Medicine Honor Code. Students should conduct themselves at all times in a manner appropriate to the high calling of the medical profession to which they are aspiring.

As a UCR medical student, I recognize that it is a great privilege and responsibility to study medicine. When I entered this school, I undertook the task of maintaining a certain standard of conduct not only as a student, but also as a future physician.

I will strive to develop and maintain personal honor and integrity as well as compassionate and ethical behavior. It is my responsibility and duty to achieve these ideals. I understand that while the honor code outlines the behavior and ideals that medical students believe to be important; I should strive to progress beyond these guidelines.

Academic Honesty
  • I will maintain the highest standards of academic and personal honesty.
  • I will neither give nor receive unpermitted aid in examinations or assignments.
  • I will conduct research in an unbiased manner, report results truthfully, and credit ideas developed and work done by others.
  • I will uphold an atmosphere conducive to learning in all educational settings (e.g. classrooms, clinical rotations, simulation labs).
  • I will not undertake any activity that will impart me with an unfair and unpermitted advantage over others.
  • I will regard confidentiality as a central obligation of patient care.
  • I will limit discussion of patients to members of the health care team in settings removed from the public (e.g. not in elevators, hallways, cafeterias).
Respect for Others
  • I will treat patients and their families with respect and dignity, both in their presence and in discussions with other members of the health care team.
  • I will interact with patients in a way that respects their privacy and modesty. 
  • I will interact with all members of the health care team in a considerate and cooperative manner.
  • I will not discriminate nor will I tolerate discrimination on the basis of race, ethnicity, gender, religion, sexual orientation, age, disability, disease state, or socioeconomic status.
  • I will attempt to resolve conflicts in a manner that preserves the dignity of every person involved.
  • I will be truthful with patients and will report accurately historical and physical findings, test results, and other information pertinent to the care of the patient.
  • I will be sensitive and respectful to the religious, ethnic and cultural beliefs of patients, even if they differ from my own.
  • I will treat fellow students, staff and faculty with respect and dignity at all times, respecting their privacy and modesty.
  • I will set patient care and well-being as the highest priorities in the clinical setting.
  • I will recognize my own limitations and will appropriately seek help or consultation to ensure patient care and optimize my continuing learning.
  • I will conduct myself professionally - in my demeanor, use of language and appearance - in the presence of patients, in the classroom, and in professional settings
  • I will not use alcohol or drugs in any way that could potentially interfere with my professional responsibilities.
  • I will not use my professional position to engage in romantic or sexual relationships with patients or members of their families.
  • I will not permit access to controlled substances unless medically warranted, nor will I allow others to permit such access.
  • I will not tolerate violations of the Honor Code in others and take appropriate action.
  • I will endeavor to work harmoniously with my colleagues and do my share when teamwork is required.
  • As their representative, I will uphold the reputations of my school and profession.
  • I will uphold the policies, regulations and rules of the University, School of Medicine, its affiliated health care facilities, and all other pertinent regulatory and professional standards.
  • I will endeavor to uphold these principles in both letter and spirit.

Conflict of Interest Policy

All students are required to adhere to the University of California Conflict of Interest and Vendor Relations Policy regardless of the policies at their assigned clinical locations. In instances where clinical sites maintain policies that are more stringent than the University of California, students will adhere to the local Conflict of Interest and Vendor Relations policies. All students are required to complete the Vendor Relations module in UC Learning as part of their student orientation and annually thereafter.

UCR School of Medicine Honor Code


Student Professionalism Process

For any questions about the professionalism process, please contact the Dr. Danny Teraguchi, Executive Associate Dean for Student Affairs at 


Statement on Supporting an Abuse Free Academic Community

The UCR School of Medicine is committed to establishing and maintaining an environment in which every community member is enabled and encouraged to excel.  This will happen only if we all work in harmony, free of intimidation, exploitation, ridicule, and harassment.  We must maintain a productive environment in which no individual is subject to discrimination or abuse.  UCR School of Medicine students are expected to abide by all campus and UC-wide policies related to diversity, equity, and inclusion.  These policies can be found here:

Specific behaviors that are not acceptable include:

  • Sexual harassment, including unwelcome sexual advances or demands, either verbal or physical;
  • Using rejection to such advances as a basis for making academic or personal decisions affecting an individual;
  • Discriminating on the basis of gender, gender identity, gender expression, race, ethnicity, religion, sexual orientation, national origin, disability, or any other group characteristic;
  • Using power to interfere with the activities of another in a manner that is unrelated or counterproductive to the expectations and requirements of their position;
  • Creating an environment, through abusive behavior, in which the abilities of individuals to function professionally are negatively affected.

Students, faculty, or staff in need of guidance or support for issues related to diversity, equity and inclusion may contact their assigned equity advisor. Advisors report directly to the Associate Vice Chancellor and Chief Diversity Officer at UCR.  All consultations are confidential. For the SOM Equity Advisors please visit:

No person shall be subject to reprisal for using or participating in an informal or formal complaint resolution process. It is incumbent on each and every one of us to support the maintenance of an abuse-free environment.

The university has several avenues for reporting compliance concerns, abuse, ethical violations, and retaliation.

Faculty Code of Conduct

The UCR School of Medicine fully endorses and subscribes to the Code of Conduct for its faculty as set forth by the Academic Senate of the University of California.

The integrity of the faculty-student relationship is the foundation of the University’s educational mission. This relationship vests considerable trust in the faculty member, who, in turn, bears authority and accountability as mentor, educator, and evaluator.  The unequal institutional power inherent in this relationship heightens the vulnerability of the student and the potential for coercion. The pedagogical relationship between faculty member and student must be protected from influences or activities that can interfere with learning consistent with the goals and ideals of the University. Whenever a faculty member is responsible for academic supervision of a student, a personal relationship between them of a romantic or sexual nature, even if consensual, is inappropriate. Any such relationship jeopardizes the integrity of the educational process. In this section, the term student refers to all individuals under the academic supervision of faculty.”

Types of unacceptable conduct:

  1. Failure to meet the responsibilities of instruction, including:
    • arbitrary denial of access to instruction;
    • significant intrusion of material unrelated to the course;
    • significant failure to adhere, without legitimate reason, to the rules of the faculty in the conduct of courses, to meet class, to keep office hours, or to hold examinations as scheduled;
    • evaluation of student work by criteria not directly reflective of course performance;
    • undue and unexcused delay in evaluating student work.
  2. Discrimination, including harassment, against a student on political grounds, or for reasons of race, religion, sex, sexual orientation, ethnic origin, national origin, ancestry, marital status, medical condition, status as a covered veteran, disability, or, within the limits imposed by law or University regulations, because of age or citizenship or for other arbitrary or personal reasons.
  3. Violation of the University policy, including the pertinent guidelines, applying to nondiscrimination against students on the basis of disability.
  4. Use of the position or powers of a faculty member to coerce the judgment or conscience of a student or to cause harm to a student for arbitrary or personal reasons.
  5. Participating in or deliberately abetting disruption, interference, or intimidation in the classroom.
  6. Entering into a romantic or sexual relationship with any student for whom a faculty member has, or should reasonably expect to have in the future, academic responsibility (instructional, evaluative, or supervisory).
  7. Exercising academic responsibility (instructional, evaluative, or supervisory) for any student with whom a faculty member has a romantic or sexual relationship.

Student Fatigue Mitigation Policy

The University of California, Riverside School of Medicine is committed to maintaining training environments that foster well-being.

Medical education can lead to situations in which a trainee’s alertness can drop below levels required for safe patient care. While the medical education literature has traditionally paid more attention to fatigue among resident physicians, published studies also document the risks of excessive fatigue among medical students. It is therefore imperative that all faculty members, resident physicians, staff, and medical students recognize when a student’s level of alertness is inadequate for patient safety or for the student’s own well-being.

Wellness Days Policy

The establishment of UCR SOM Wellness Days emphasizes the value and importance of attending to all dimensions of wellbeing. Scheduling required Wellness Days in the academic calendar not only reinforces UCR SOM’s support for student wellbeing but affirms we are creating a culture that emphasizes preventative care when it comes to personal wellness and overall mental health. Wellness Days are full days off in the academic calendar for students to care for themselves by attending to areas of their whole health that may be otherwise neglected due to academic requirements. Students use Wellness Days to attend to personal doctor appointments, dental appointments, mental health, and time with family, etc. Scheduled Wellness Days show students UCR SOM acknowledges the importance of attending to whole health as imperative to personal sustainability to develop balanced habits as future physicians. Students do not need to submit a request for wellness days. See the full policy for more information.

Student Grievance Committee

The Student Grievance Committee will serve as the committee for oversight of allegations of student mistreatment. This committee will set policies and protocols that support students and address issues in order to assure an optimal learning environment.

The Student Grievance Committee will be charged with the responsibility to maintain the integrity of the learning environment for students attending the UCR SOM by (1) ensuring that students, residents, fellows, faculty and staff are educated on topics which will help to prevent mistreatment (2) providing a mechanism for the reporting of alleged violations and (3) providing clear, consistent guidelines and oversight for incidents of student mistreatment.

You can report a grievance via the Student Affairs Office, through your class representatives, directly to a member of the Grievance Committee, through a faculty member, via the dedicated Grievance phone at (951) 827-7826 or via email to

Confidential Resources

At any point in the process, students may consult with the confidential resources listed below. Consultations with these resources do not constitute the initiation of a complaint.

  1. The Ombuds Office
    The Ombuds Office assists visitors to the office in assessing their situation, and considering their range of options. Additionally, the Ombuds Office may be able to facilitate an informal resolution, with the voluntary participation of all parties.
  2. CARE Advocates
    CARE Advocates provide free and confidential assistance to survivors/victims of sexual violence. Services include: crisis intervention, safety planning, referrals, accommodations, case management, and accompaniments.
  3. Counseling and Psychological Services
    Counseling and Psychological Services provides specialized psychological services.

Grievance Committee FAQ

  • What is the purpose of the Grievance Committee?
    The Grievance Committee is tasked with investigating and resolving UCR School of Medicine medical student- or resident-reported mistreatment by physicians, residents, students, staff, or anyone else. Grievance committees are historically designed to handle medical student mistreatment during clinical rotations, but we will hear and investigate grievances associated with any part of the UCR SOM. We are responsible for managing all of the grievances filed, communicating with the aggrieved, and resolving the conflicts. If a grievance relates to a different UCR entity (Title IX, Special Services, etc.), we are responsible for facilitating the communication between these entities, UCR administration, and the grieved.
  • Who sits on the Grievance Committee?
    The Grievance Committee is comprised of physicians from a range of specialties, clinical sciences faculty, biomedical sciences faculty, psychologists, residents, staff members, the Ombuds Office in an advising capacity, Title IX representatives, compliance office representatives, and medical students associated with UCR. These members are appointed by nomination and confirmation by the rest of the Grievance Committee, or by election.
  • What would be considered a grievance?
    Grievances are dealt with on a case-by-case basis. We define mistreatment with the definition from the Association of American Medical Colleges (AAMC): “Mistreatment, either intentional or unintentional, occurs when behavior shows disrespect for the dignity of others and unreasonably interferes with the learning process. Examples of mistreatment include sexual harassment; discrimination or harassment based on race, religion, and ethnicity, gender, or sexual orientation; humiliation, psychological or physical punishment; and the use of grading and other forms of assessment in a punitive member.” Any student who feels that they have been mistreated is encouraged to contact the Grievance Committee.
  • How do I file a grievance?
    You can report a grievance via the Student Affairs Office, through your class representatives, directly to a member of the Grievance Committee, through a faculty member, via the dedicated Grievance phone at (951) 827-7826 or via email to Students will be notified of receipt of their concern.
  • What if I am not sure about filing a grievance, or I just want to get the opinion of the Grievance Committee?
    The Grievance Committee can also act as a sounding board and can provide an opinion on how to proceed with your concern if you would rather start there than filing a grievance right away. If you desire this, state it clearly in your email or to whomever you report the complaint to.
  • What are the types of grievance procedures available to me? How do they differ?
    There are two types of grievance procedures: an informal and formal procedure. In the informal procedure, the chair of the Grievance Committee or their designee will work with the student and the accused to determine if there is a resolution satisfactory to both parties. If no resolution is achieved, the complaint will proceed to a formal grievance. In the formal procedure, the accused is notified that a formal complaint has been filed. A standing sub-committee will initially investigate the complaint, or request the appropriate individuals to do so, and make recommendations on how to proceed to the Senior Associate Dean of Student Affairs. The senior associate dean of student affairs is then responsible for delivering the findings, recommendations, and actions to the accused.
  • Can I remain anonymous?
    During the initial filing of the complaint, your anonymity will be preserved. If you submit a grievance via, the only person who would know your identifying information is the chair of the grievance committee. When the chair presents the case to the Grievance Committee, all names and locations will be redacted. If you believe the chair of the committee may be in conflict with your grievance, you can submit the complaint to any of the members of the committee, a list of whom you can find on the Student Affairs website. If you submit via your student representatives or other faculty members, and you desire to initially remain anonymous, inform them of this so that they can present the grievance in such a way that your name is not stated. For some grievances, it is possible to remain anonymous during the entire process. However, if you have filed a formal grievance, your name will ultimately be disclosed in order to achieve the proper resolution. Finally, communicating a grievance with the Ombuds Office, which has representation on the committee, is another excellent option to preserve anonymity. We will respect anonymity up to legal limits (see Exceptions, question 11).
  • I am scared that if I file a grievance, I will be retaliated against by the accused.
    Retaliation/retribution is strictly prohibited by the SOM. The Grievance Committee takes retaliation very seriously and will make every effort to protect students from retaliation. This can take many forms. One example is that students may request the option to delay intervention by the committee until a more opportune time (i.e. after grades have been assigned or after match results are available). This request may not be able to be honored depending on the nature of the incident.
  • So, can I just file a grievance against someone who I think is going to give me a bad evaluation?
    No. The grievance process, while designed to protect students, is a very serious matter. The grievance processes are in accordance with the UCR Honor Code, meaning that you must act in good faith. If it is discovered that someone is abusing the process for personal gain, there may be repercussions.
  • What if I am not satisfied with the decision I get from the Grievance Committee?
    A student may appeal to the dean. The dean will review the report and has the final decision-making authority on all cases.
  • Are there any exceptions?
    1. Any complaints pertaining to sexual harassment, sexual violence, or otherwise under the purview of Title IX will be referred immediately to the Title IX Officer and will not be under the purview of this committee.
    2. If the accused is a member of the UCR Academic Senate or an academic staff whose instructional duties are not subject to direct supervision, any discipline will be determined in accordance with the Policies on Faculty Conduct and the Administration of Discipline.

More questions? Email


Requesting Accommodations

Candidates with disabilities are encouraged to contact Student Disability Resource Center (SDRC) early as possible to begin a confidential conversation about possible reasonable accommodations candidates or medical students may need to meet UCRSOM Technical Standards.

Health Clearance

The School of Medicine requires that all incoming students obtain a health clearance for personal protection as well as public health. Students must complete all of the CDC recommended requirements prior to the first day of Orientation Week or they may not be allowed to matriculate.

All students must adhere to additional health clearance requirements (drug screening, mask fit testing, etc.) as required by School of Medicine affiliated hospitals and/or away institutions.

Students are responsible for the cost of any office visits, examination fees, and/or lab fees associated with the initial and annual health clearance processes.

Drugs, Alcohol and Student Impairment

UCR SOM expects all students to comply with federal, state, and local laws and campus regulations related to alcohol and other drugs. UCR is committed to achieving and maintaining a campus community that fosters personal and institutional excellence and strives to provide conditions under which the work of the university can go forward freely, with the highest standards of quality and institutional integrity. In keeping with this commitment, each student should help to create a campus community that is free from the problems of substance abuse and dependency.

Requirement for Patient Care Activities Outside Prescribed Curriculum

The School of Medicine strongly supports our students’ desire to help patients who are medically underserved or uninsured. This commitment to service is a significant aspect of the fit to mission that the SOM strives to uphold during the admissions process. However, medical students are not allowed to see patients or provide patient care, domestically or internationally, without an approved UCR SOM faculty member acting as the supervising physician. Students should not be providing medical care to patients without UCR SOM faculty supervision, nor should they identify themselves as medical students in care settings not approved by UCR SOM, including wearing UCR SOM white coats. The SOM has mandatory affiliation agreements with its clinical partners that outline what is required to properly supervise and support medical student education. Any attempt to establish new relationships within the local community and communities abroad requires coordinated oversight. These restrictions are put in place to protect the future licensure and careers of SOM graduates, as well as to ensure the SOM is in compliance with academic and legal requirements set forth by the University of California and the California Licensing Board.

Occupational Exposure/Needle Stick Policy

Off-Campus Exposures

Those airborne, blood and body fluid exposures and needle stick injuries that occur while a student is completing an off-campus clinical activity will follow a protocol consistent with the clinical affiliate’s policies. In the event of an exposure, the student will, after reducing the exposure (as described above), immediately notify their supervising resident and/or attending and proceed immediately to the designated local facility at the affiliate’s site in which the incident occurred.

It is important to note that treatment for HIV prophylaxis needs to be initiated within two hours for optimal effectiveness.

Students will not be penalized for leaving the service after notification of the supervising resident/faculty. Students will also be expected to notify the Office of Student Affairs within 24 hours of all exposures.

For all exposure incidents, the route(s) of exposure and the circumstances under which the exposure incident occurred are to be documented. The source individual is identified and documented, unless identification is not feasible or prohibited by state or local law. After consent is obtained, the source individual's blood is tested for HBV, HCV and HIV status. If the exposed student gives consent, a baseline blood sample is collected immediately following the incident with subsequent periodic samples taken at a later date.

Students are expected to provide their insurance at the time of treatment for occupational exposure.  Student Affairs will support remaining costs of acute care including initial evaluations/assessment after co-pays and/or cost after insurance is applied from student's health insurance. Chronic healthcare costs must be covered by the student's health insurance. 

Policy for Provision of Medical Treatment to SOM Students by SOM Faculty

UCR SOM faculty members may not academically evaluate students for whom they provide or have provided any medical care, including treatment for sensitive health issues (e.g., mental health, sexually transmitted diseases or any health issue the student defines as sensitive).

In cases where a UCR SOM faculty member has provided emergency, urgent, or stabilization care to a medical student under their supervision for whom they have an assessment role, care must be relinquished once the patient is stabilized, and faculty will no longer evaluate or assess that student in any academic manner.

Medical School Graduation Competencies


The University of California, Riverside (UCR) School of Medicine is dedicated to educating and training students to be excellent physicians who will be thoroughly prepared to meet the medical needs of inland southern California and beyond. The school places particular emphasis on attracting and graduating future physicians who will provide care to underserved populations with an emphasis on addressing healthcare workforce gaps and health outcomes of the populations served.

UCR SOM is dedicated to enrolling students who exemplify academic excellence, and embody the passion, commitment and integrity to meet the highest standards in patient care and medical scholarship. UCR SOM students represent the diversity of California as a whole and our region in particular; they are recent college graduates and those changing careers, and they come from a wide variety of cultural, socioeconomic, and personal or professional backgrounds. They also have demonstrated capacity for volunteerism, altruism, and a genuine desire to help those in need.

A UCR SOM education provides a solid foundation in the fundamentals of basic and clinical science. The curriculum is structured to ensure that students acquire the knowledge, skills, and attributes essential to the practice of medicine. The clinical years are marked by an extensive "hands-on" experience in caring for patients. Thus, graduates are exceptionally well prepared to pursue further training. Additionally, students have opportunities to critically appraise gaps in the existing medical knowledge base and to engage in basic, clinical, translational or health services research to discover if their aptitudes and interests lie in these areas.

Patient Care
  • Provide patient-centered care that is compassionate, appropriate, and effective for the treatment of health problems and the promotion of health
  • Perform all medical, diagnostic, and surgical procedures considered essential for the area of practice
  • Gather essential and accurate information about patients and their conditions through history-taking, physical examination, and the use of laboratory data, imaging, and other tests
  • Organize and prioritize responsibilities to provide care that is safe, effective, and efficient
  • Interpret laboratory data, imaging studies, and other tests required for the area of practice
  • Make informed decisions about diagnostic and therapeutic interventions based on patient information and preferences, up-to-date scientific evidence, and clinical judgment
  • Develop and carry out patient management plans
  • Counsel and educate patients and their families to empower them to participate in their care and enable shared decision making
  • Provide appropriate referral of patients including ensuring continuity of care throughout transitions between providers or settings, and following up on patient progress and outcomes
  • Provide health care services to patients, families, and communities aimed at preventing health problems or maintaining health
  • Provide appropriate role modeling
  • Perform supervisory responsibilities commensurate with one's roles, abilities, and qualifications
  • Other patient care
Knowledge for Practice
  • Demonstrate knowledge of established and evolving biomedical, clinical, epidemiological and social-behavioral sciences, as well as the application of this knowledge to patient care
  • Demonstrate an investigatory and analytic approach to clinical situations
  • Apply established and emerging bio-physical scientific principles fundamental to health care for patients and populations
  • Apply established and emerging principles of clinical sciences to diagnostic and therapeutic decision-making, clinical problem-solving, and other aspects of evidence-based health care
  • Apply principles of epidemiological sciences to the identification of health problems, risk factors, treatment strategies, resources, and disease prevention/health promotion efforts for patients and populations
  • Apply principles of social-behavioral sciences to provision of patient care, including assessment of the impact of psychosocial and cultural influences on health, disease, care-seeking, care compliance, and barriers to and attitudes toward care
  • Contribute to the creation, dissemination, application, and translation of new health care knowledge and practices
  • Other knowledge for practice
Practice-Based Learning
  • Demonstrate the ability to investigate and evaluate one’s care of patients, to appraise and assimilate scientific evidence, and to continuously improve patient care based on constant self-evaluation and life-long learning
  • Identify strengths, deficiencies, and limits in one's knowledge and expertise
  • Set learning and improvement goals
  • Identify and perform learning activities that address one's gaps in knowledge, skills, and/or attitudes
  • Systematically analyze practice using quality improvement methods, and implement changes with the goal of practice improvement
  • Incorporate feedback into daily practice
  • Locate, appraise, and assimilate evidence from scientific studies related to patients' health problems
  • Use information technology to optimize learning
  • Participate in the education of patients, families, students, trainees, peers and other health professionals
  • Obtain and utilize information about individual patients, populations of patients, or communities from which patients are drawn to improve care
  • Continually identify, analyze, and implement new knowledge, guidelines, standards, technologies, products, or services that have been demonstrated to improve outcomes
  • Other practice-based learning and improvement
Interpersonal and Communication Skills
  • Demonstrate interpersonal and communication skills that result in the effective exchange of information and collaboration with patients, their families, and health professionals
  • Communicate effectively with patients, families, and the public, as appropriate, across a broad range of socioeconomic and cultural backgrounds
  • Communicate effectively with colleagues within one's profession or specialty, other health professionals, and health related agencies (see also 7.3)
  • Work effectively with others as a member or leader of a health care team or other professional group (see also 7.4)
  • Act in a consultative role to other health professionals
  • Maintain comprehensive, timely, and legible medical records
  • Demonstrate sensitivity, honesty, and compassion in difficult conversations, including those about death, end of life, adverse events, bad news, disclosure of errors, and other sensitive topics
  • Demonstrate insight and understanding about emotions and human responses to emotions that allow one to develop and manage interpersonal interactions 
  • Other interpersonal and communication skills
  • Demonstrate a commitment to carrying out professional responsibilities and an adherence to ethical principles
  • Demonstrate compassion, integrity, and respect for others
  • Demonstrate responsiveness to patient needs that supersedes self-interest
  • Demonstrate respect for patient privacy and autonomy
  • Demonstrate accountability to patients, society, and the profession
  • Demonstrate sensitivity and responsiveness to a diverse patient population, including but not limited to diversity in gender, age, culture, race, religion, disabilities, and sexual orientation
  • Demonstrate a commitment to ethical principles pertaining to provision or withholding of care, confidentiality, informed consent, and business practices, including compliance with relevant laws, policies, and regulations
  • Other professionalism
Systems-Based Practice
  • Demonstrate an awareness of and responsiveness to the larger context and system of health care, as well as the ability to call effectively on other resources in the system to provide optimal health care
  • Work effectively in various health care delivery settings and systems relevant to one's clinical specialty
  • Coordinate patient care within the health care system relevant to one's clinical specialty
  • Incorporate considerations of cost awareness and risk-benefit analysis in patient and/or population-based care
  • Advocate for quality patient care and optimal patient care systems
  • Participate in identifying system errors and implementing potential systems solutions
  • Perform administrative and practice management responsibilities commensurate with one’s role, abilities, and qualifications
  • Other systems-based practice
Interprofessional Collaboration
  • Demonstrate the ability to engage in an interprofessional team in a manner that optimizes safe, effective patient- and population-centered care
  • Work with other health professionals to establish and maintain a climate of mutual respect, dignity, diversity, ethical integrity, and trust
  • Use the knowledge of one’s own role and the roles of other health professionals to appropriately assess and address the health care needs of the patients and populations served
  • Communicate with other health professionals in a responsive and responsible manner that supports the maintenance of health and the treatment of disease in individual patients and populations
  • Participate in different team roles to establish, develop, and continuously enhance interprofessional teams to provide patient- and population-centered care that is safe, timely, efficient, effective, and equitable
  • Other interprofessional collaboration
Personal and Professional Development
  • Demonstrate the qualities required to sustain lifelong personal and professional growth
  • Develop the ability to use self-awareness of knowledge, skills, and emotional limitations to engage in appropriate help-seeking behaviors
  • Demonstrate healthy coping mechanisms to respond to stress
  • Manage conflict between personal and professional responsibilities
  • Practice flexibility and maturity in adjusting to change with the capacity to alter one's behavior
  • Demonstrate trustworthiness that makes colleagues feel secure when one is responsible for the care of patients
  • Provide leadership skills that enhance team functioning, the learning environment, and/or the health care delivery system
  • Demonstrate self-confidence that puts patients, families, and members of the health care team at ease
  • Recognize that ambiguity is part of clinical health care and respond by utilizing appropriate resources in dealing with uncertainty
  • Other personal and professional development

Medical School Curriculum

Visit the UME website for details on our medical education and curriculum.

Doctoring/Clinical Skills

These courses are part of an integrated doctoring curriculum for medical students that focus on helping you to acquire critical thinking skills and learning habits that will be of lifelong service to you. The first and second years of the medical school curriculum are designed to assure your smooth transition into the third year of medical school.

Longitudinal Ambulatory Care Experience (LACE)

The Longitudinal Ambulatory Care Experience (LACE) is a unique part of the undergraduate medical education curriculum at the UCR School of Medicine. The program bridges the gap between classroom learning and clinical application by providing our first-, second-, and third-year students hands-on clinical experience with community-based primary care providers throughout Inland Southern California.

Designated Emphasis Programs

Designated Emphasis Programs (DE) are four-year programs that allow medical students to explore specialized areas. DE programs are made up of selectives as well as other non-course requirements.

United States Medical Licensing Examination

The United States Medical Licensing Examination (USMLE) Step 1 exam is taken at the end of the second year of medical school. Students must sit for the USMLE Step 1 prior to entry into the third year of medical school. A passing score must be received in order to continue in third year clerkship.

It is a requirement of the UCR School of Medicine that every student takes and passes both Step 1 and Step 2 of the USMLE to qualify for graduation; these exams are also used as a vehicle towards medical licensure.

Confidentiality and Access to Student Records

The UCR School of Medicine considers confidentiality of student records very important. The school abides by regulations set forth in the Family Educational Rights of Privacy Act (FERPA). Students are able to request in writing that their records be shared with a particular faculty member and administrator for the purpose of drafting letters of recommendation. The chart below outlines guidelines for access and jurisdiction for student records.

Admissions files are not part of a student record. Faculty (other than the admissions committee members and select research and evaluation faculty) are not permitted to view admissions files without permission from the Senior Associate Dean for Student Affairs.

UCR School of Medicine students may view their evaluations and records at any time via the online New Innovations system. For evaluations that are stored on paper, students may view their records within five (5) business days of the request by contacting the appropriate person (e.g., Registrar, pre-clinical or clerkship director) for assistance. The student paper records must be reviewed in the Office of the Registrar as these records are not permitted to be removed from the office where it is safely secured. Students requesting paper copies of their records need to make their request in writing. This request will be granted within a period of 45 days as per FERPA regulations.

Student Record Access Information


Student Access
Faculty Access
Staff Access

Administrative Files


With Student Permission

If Under Their Jurisdiction

Financial Aid Files



If Under Their Jurisdiction

Clinical Onboarding (Immunizations, Drug Screen, etc.)

yes (Castlebranch Governs Access)


If Under Their Jurisdiction

Criminal History (Background Check)

Yes, May Require Additional Request


No (staff sees only limited confirmation of clearance)

Instructional Records



If Under Their Jurisdiction

Student Grade Review and Appeal Process

UCR students who do not feel that their summative assessment or grade accurately reflects their performance in a course, block, or clerkship have a right to ask for clarification or appeal the grade from the clerkship, block, course, selective, or elective director.

  • Students have the right to review and challenge their course, block, or clerkship grade and receive a timely response.
  • Students may seek clarification or formal appeal of a course, block, or clerkship grade.
  • This does not apply to individual questions on exams or individual components that comprise a final grade in a course or clerkship or elective.

Grading Scales, Criteria and Reporting Policy

UCR SOM will ensure that students pursuing the MD degree maintain an acceptable rate of academic progress toward the completion of that degree and meet the expected academic standards.

Graduation Requirements

The requirements for graduation from the UCR School of Medicine include:

  1. Successful completion of each year of the four-year medical school curriculum;
  2. Annual recommendation for promotion by the Medical School Progress and Promotions Committee;
  3. Passing of the USMLE Step 1 and Step 2 CK examinations; and
  4. Satisfactory professional conduct.

Academic Good Standing Policy

Students are considered in Good Academic Standing if they have successfully completed all blocks/clerkships, California Consortium for Assessment of Clinical Performance’s Clinical Performance Exam (CCACC CPX), USMLE Step 1 and Step 2CK without any failures or prolonged delays. Students must also be in good professional standing as defined by the Professionalism Committee. Students are considered in default Good Academic Standing unless notified otherwise.

Degree Completion Time Limit Policy

All requirements for the degree of Doctor of Medicine must be completed within six years of matriculation into the UCR School of Medicine. This six year maximum time of completion is inclusive of any remediation or leave of absence that has been granted. Students who are obtaining an additional degree(s) other than that of Doctor of Medicine will be given additional time and consideration for the completion of the non-MD degree. Exceptions to the completion time rule will only be provided in extraordinary circumstances and with the approval of a majority vote by the Progress and Promotions Committee.

Policy on Planned, Emergency, Unexcused and Extended Absences

Students pursuing the MD degree at UCR SOM are physicians in training who must meet standards of professional conduct and responsibility to develop into effective physicians. As a professional school, UCR SOM requires attendance and active participation in all components of the curriculum. Active participation in the School’s course and clerkship activities indicates the student’s understanding and mastery of professional responsibilities. The granting of the MD degree attests to the fact that the student has demonstrated a commitment to their professional responsibilities through participation in all aspects of the curriculum as defined by the faculty.

Pre-Clerkship Tardiness Policy

Students pursuing the MD degree at UCR SOM are physicians in training who must meet standards of professional conduct and responsibility to develop into effective physicians. As a professional school, UCR SOM requires punctual attendance and active participation in all components of the curriculum. Active participation in the School’s course and clerkship activities indicates the student’s understanding and mastery of professional responsibilities. The granting of the MD degree attests to the fact that the student has demonstrated a commitment to their professional responsibilities through participation in all aspects of the curriculum as defined by the faculty.

Video Conference for Student Camera Use Policy

For reasons of equity, respect for privacy and wellness, students will not generally be required to turn on their webcams during all online classes. However, the School of Medicine (SOM) recognizes that there are sound pedagogical reasons to ask students to turn on cameras for specific purposes.

For large groups, instructors may request a subset of people to have cameras on, to facilitate instructor engagement. Sessions involving patient interviews should receive special consideration with strong emphasis of cameras on out of respect for patients and faculty. In addition, the SOM places special emphasis on the importance of cameras being on for smaller groups, if the session is very interactive (e.g. CBL, Clinical Skills, Doctoring, etc.). Cameras may be required for monitoring testing.

Student Dress Code Policy

As a future physician, you will encounter patients from multiple cultures and backgrounds, ages and with varied opinions about their health care provider’s professional attire.  Furthermore, each clinical site in which you rotate will also have different expectations.  It is therefore important to inquire about the dress code early on so as to comply with their local standards.  You should dress conservatively when there is any doubt of the expectations. 

The following are guidelines that are expected to be followed for all clinical sessions (doctoring, clinical skills) and when delivering patient care as a representative of UCR SOM.

  1. An easily visible identification badge, located above the waist, must be displayed on your white coat that is clean and wrinkle free.
  2. Clothing should be neat, clean and professional – no words or pictures unrelated to the professional environment should be worn. Scrubs may be acceptable.
  3. Shoes must be closed and covering feet (no exposed toes). For most on-campus experiences open toes are allowed.
  4. Nails should be clean and natural (no artificial nails)
  5. Jewelry should be minimized and not interfere with patient care
  6. Only cultural/religious head wear (no caps, hoods) is allowed in the clinical setting
  7. Avoid or eliminate colognes and perfumes
  8. The highest standard of personal hygiene is expected

Students may be asked to change clothing or leave the site if their attire is determined to be inappropriate or unprofessional.

Student Representatives

The Associated Students-Medical Student Council (AS-MSC) is the official student government. AS-MSC is a recognized Mini-Graduate Student Association (Mini-GSA), and is a member of the Graduate Student Association, at the University of California, Riverside.

Each spring, students from all cohorts (MS1-MS4) will nominate classmates (MS1-MS3) and elect the following positions to the Executive Board of the AS-MSC. These leaders are responsible for the administrative oversight and function of the council:

  • President
  • Vice President
  • Treasurer
  • Secretary
  • Medical Student Community Relations

The position of MS1 Executive Board Representative is nominated and elected in early fall for incoming students.

In addition to executive board positions, each class will nominate and elect the following student representatives on an annual basis:

  • Class Representative (2 per class)
  • Professionalism Representative (2 per class)
  • Grievance Committee Representative (1 per class, plus 1 alternate for MS3 & MS4)
  • Social Chair (1 per class)
  • Wellness Representative (2 per class)
  • Community Engagement Representative (1 per class)
  • Graduate Student Associate Representative (1 MS2 and 1 MS1 alternate only)
  • AAMC Organization of Student Representative (1 MS3 and 1 MS2 alternate only)
  • Graduate Student Association Representative (1 MS2 and 1 MS1 alternate only)

Elections for each position will be held annually (in the spring for continuing students and early fall for incoming students), with term limits of one year. Descriptions for executive board and student representative positions will be included in the call for nominations.  Students must remain in good academic and professional standing during their tenure in any student leadership position.

Graduate Student Health Insurance (GSHIP)

As a professional/graduate student you are required to have health insurance. All UCR students are automatically assessed for and enrolled in the UC Graduate Student Health Insurance Plan (GSHIP) as a condition of registration at UCR. The Student Health Services (see is the primary healthcare provider for GSHIP and is where all non-emergency medical care must be initiated for GSHIP claim payment consideration.

Students who can demonstrate comparable insurance coverage from another source may apply to be exempted from the mandatory plan; this waiver process must be completed annually. However, you should be aware that if you waive out and have an HMO provider, psychological counseling services may not be covered. If a student is required to obtain psychological counseling without appropriate insurance coverage, the student will be responsible for the full cost of the recommended treatment(s). The student may utilize their own HMO coverage/services if available; however, keep in mind that parents may receive billing statements when psychological services are rendered. This generally occurs when the parent is the primary carrier of the insurance.

Please note that continued enrollment in a qualified medical/health insurance plan must be maintained during all registered terms.

For additional information regarding policy benefits, comparable coverage exemptions and optional dependent coverage, please contact:

Campus Health Services
Student Health Insurance
Veitch Student Center
(951) 827-5683

Long Term Disability Insurance

All medical students are covered for long term disability insurance with the Guardian Blanket Insurance Plan.  This coverage is mandatory.

  • Monthly Benefit: $1,500/month (MS1 & MS2) / $2,000/month (MS3 & above)
  • Integration: Policy will not integrate with CA State disability, Social Security or Workers Compensation.
  • Elimination: 90 Days
  • Length of Coverage: To age 65 whether disabled by sickness or accident.
  • Pre-existing Conditions: Full coverage after 30 days as a medical student.
  • Loan Pay-off provision: $225,000 maximum
  • Income Offset: $3,000
  • Lump Sum Benefit: $5,000 after 12 months
  • Survivor Benefit: 6 months net
  • Company: The Guardian Health Professionals Insurance
  • Cost: $40.00 per student per year

If you should have any questions, please contact:

  • Health Professionals Insurance Services
  • Ivory Ruiz Opana
  • 6265 Greenwich Drive Suite 250
  • San Diego, CA 92122
  • Toll Free (800) 628-2861 Office (858) 404-0782 Fax (858) 546-9023

Computer Requirements and Hardware/Software Minimum Standards

The School of Medicine requires that all students own a laptop computer. A laptop computer or tablet is useful for taking notes in class, carrying to the library or taking to a remote clerkship location, and students will be required to bring a laptop for many in-class exercises. Computers need to have high enough resolution to support images that are delivered during exams and courses (Anatomy & Histology). Depending on the options students choose below, laptops should have a way (HDMI preferred or buy an adapter that has an output to HDMI) to connect to large displays and projectors at times to show work. Most students will also benefit from adding a mouse to their laptop package.

Additionally, students are required to purchase a printer for use with many required assignments. This is included in the first year student financial aid budget.  Basic color inkjet printers are available for less than $150, and sometimes are bundled with new laptops.

While many students may find a tablet useful, it does not replace the functionality of a laptop.


Recommended Windows Configurations




Operating System:  64-bit versions of Windows 10 or Windows 11 64-bit versions of Windows 10 or Windows 11


Intel Core i5 Quad-Core

Intel Core i5 Quad-Core


8 GB RAM (16GB Preferred)

8 GB RAM (16GB Preferred)


500 GB hard drive (minimum)

500 GB hard drive (minimum)

Recommended Mac Configurations


MacBook Air

MacBook Pro

Operating System:  Big Sur, Monterey, Ventura Big Sur, Monterey, Ventura


Intel Core i5 Quad-Core

Intel Core i5 Quad-Core


8 GB RAM (16GB Preferred)

8 GB RAM (16GB Preferred)


500 GB hard drive (minimum)

500 GB hard drive (minimum)

Recommended Software to Install

The following list highlights most of the standardized supported software usable in the School of Medicine. Many times, new computers come packaged with all the software you will need. However, if you need to purchase software, we'll be able to help you choose one of the packages below.

To help protect your device, data, and information from viruses, malware, and spyware, practice the following:

  • Install anti-virus/anti-malware software.
  • Keep the operating system up to date.
  • Enable host-based firewall.
  • Disabled built-in 'Administrator' and 'Guest' accounts.

House Rules for School of Medicine Students

  1. Mailboxes are located on the ground floor.  Each student is assigned a mailbox.  Mailboxes must be kept clear and open to receive notifications and other information on a daily and/or weekly basis.
  2. Lockers are located on the ground floor to store books, personal items, clothes, etc. Items unsecured in the locker room or lounge spaces will be disposed of. BE SURE TO SECURE YOUR LAPTOP in your possession, or in your locker. THE UNIVERSITY IS NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR THE LOSS OR THEFT OF YOUR LAPTOP COMPUTER or any other possessions. Bicycles may not be stored in locker rooms.
  3. Classroom and CBL room use: We ask that you take individual and collective responsibility to keep the classrooms clean and presentable. The Staff Workroom/Kitchen area is off limits to students due to confidentiality concerns.
  4. Student Lounges and Study Areas: There are several areas available to study, relax and dine during the day and after hours: the first-floor open lounge (between the CBL rooms) and the ground floor lounge. Additional classrooms on the ground floor of Orbach Library will be available for study areas. Classrooms will be available and opened during business hours only.  The Ground floor lounge is equipped with refrigerators and microwave ovens. Groceries are not to be stored in the refrigerators.  Refrigerators are for daily use only. Kitchen areas are to be kept clean.  Everyone is responsible for washing their own dishes and disposing of garbage.  If dishes are left in the sink dirty, they will be discarded.
  5. Room Scheduling: Reserving of rooms in the School of Medicine Education Bldg. and/or the Orbach Science Library for the purposes individual/group study can be requested on the School of Medicine Room Reservation Form.  Student Interest Group meetings must obtain approval from Student Affairs prior to requesting a room reservation using the Student Interest Group Event Form. Students must include the written approval with their room scheduling request.  Please note that education courses and all other instructional activities will take priority. Space may not be used for commercial or personal purposes and is not for use by individuals or groups not affiliated with UCR.
  6. Building Access: All medical students will be issued a School of Medicine ID badge to access the School of Medicine Education Building. The Simulation Center access is through the Orbach Library during business hours.  First year students will be granted access to the Gross Anatomy Lab (starting in October) until the end of the academic year.  Otherwise, badges will only provide access to the buildings and main classrooms. 
  7. Parking in the School of Medicine Complex parking lot is prohibited 24 hours a day, 7 days a week and will be enforced by UCR Parking Services.  No exceptions will be granted, and parking citations will be issued to violators.
  8. E-Mail: Students are required to check their e-mail regularly, as many important announcements from UCR faculty and staff will only be delivered to this e-mail address.
  9. Class listserves: Students are expected to use list serves only for official school activities and announcements.  Standard email etiquette always applies.  Misuse of list serves may result in a professionalism concern referral.

E-Mail Privacy and Security

The privacy and security of protected health information (PHI) is a fundamental obligation that we take seriously as active protectors of patients’ rights.  In keeping with that obligation, the UCR School of Medicine created and uses the medsch email infrastructure in order to ensure the integrity of electronic communications and to comply with federally-mandated security specifications for covered entities.  Maintenance of the medsch infrastructure requires system administration and secure housing, which represents a significant investment of resources on the part of the SOM. 

Please be advised that under no circumstances can users set email to auto-forward to a third-party email provider (i.e. Gmail, Yahoo!, etc.).  Sending or receiving PHI outside of the encrypted infrastructure is at least a Class II offense under the SOM Sanctions Policy, resulting in appropriate disciplinary action.  Any attempt to forward set an auto forward from a account will trigger a notification to the Office of Information Technology.

Safety, Security and Visitor Policy


For security purposes and based on safety measures outlined by the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), the following Safety, Security and Visitor Policy shall be enforced for the SOM Education Building.  Access by visitors shall be regulated by the Visitor Policy as a measure of security and safety.

Safety Policy

The evacuation of buildings at the University of California, Riverside is everyone’s responsibility.  However, we need to have several people assume responsibilities to help make an emergency evacuation safe for all the occupants and visitors to our building.  The title that will be given to these individuals will be Building Supervisor for Emergency Conditions (BSEC), Alternate Building Supervisor for Emergency Conditions, and Building Emergency Staff (BES).  Their responsibilities will be as follows:

Building Supervisor for Emergency Conditions (BSEC): Ariel DeGuzman

The BSECs are specific staff members from major campus buildings who serve as the lead contact for all emergency program activities within their buildings.  The intent is for all major normally occupied campus buildings to have one primary BSEC and at least one alternate.  BSEC responsibilities include:

  • Participating in emergency preparedness training –
  • Encouraging departments to complete Department Emergency Operations Plans that will aid in emergency response
  • Ensuring the safe and expedient evacuation of their building.
  • Know the location of the designated Emergency Assembly Area (EAA), and emergency exits for their building.
  • Distribute information concerning evacuation plans, and evacuation drills to all building departments.
  • Ensure clear access to exits and fire safety equipment in their building.
  • Initiating a roll call and accounting of building occupants in the Emergency Assembly Area (EAA) during emergency evacuations
  • Reporting missing or injured persons to Public Safety /SEOC or other emergency personnel.

Alternate Building Supervisor for Emergency Conditions: Pamela Hunter

The Alternate Building Supervisor is a Building Emergency Staff member (BES) who will be responsible for assuming responsibilities of the Building Supervisor for Emergency Conditions in their absence.

Building Emergency Staff (BES): Tracy Bereal

The role of the BES is to support the BSEC in their emergency preparedness activities before, during and after an incident.  Each building on campus should have an adequate number of trained BES personnel to assist in these activities.  Wherever possible, a minimum of four (4) Building Emergency Staff members per department, per floor is desired.  Some of the responsibilities of the BES include:

  • Participating in emergency preparedness training:
  • The safe and expedient evacuation of the floor in the building to which they are assigned.
  • Accounting of occupants on their floor, at the assembly area.
  • Report missing persons to the Building Supervisor for Emergency Conditions or Alternate BSEC.
  • Ensuring assistance is provided to those with disabilities that may impede their safe egress.
Security Policy

All access points to the building will remain locked with the exception of the two main entrance points on the North and South sides of the first floor.  These two main entrances will be open Monday through Friday, from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.  All access points will be accessible with the use of an SOM ID Card that has been coded to our building.

All regular “tenants” of the SOM Education Building are now required to wear their SOM Identification badge at all times while in the building.  Any and all suspicious activity within the building should be immediately reported to UCR campus security.

Visitor Guidelines

Visitors include all persons other than employees, or persons under contract to the SOM in possession of a valid UCR SOM Identification Badge.

All visitors are required to enter the building via either of the two main entrances and report to the visitors reception desk.  There they will be greeted by our building receptionist who will inquire and note whom they are visiting, their arrival time, and ask them to sign in.  The receptionist will then issue the guest a visitor badge and contact the point person for the meeting. Every visitor will need to exit via the main entrance to sign out and return their visitor badge.

Students who provide access to unauthorized visitors may be held responsible for any theft or damage that may occur as a result of the presence of unauthorized visitors. Violating the building visitor policy may result in professionalism concern referrals or other campus action.

Best Practice Guidelines for Social Media

The UCR School of Medicine encourages the use of social media to connect to the broader campus community and the general public around the world. The long-term success of any social media community depends on a mutually shared philosophy of respectful behavior. Toward this end we offer the following best practice guidelines in keeping with the standards of the UCR School of Medicine and the medical profession at large.

Be respectful: Refrain from posting material that is profane, hateful, threatening, abusive, harassing, obscene, pornography, nudity, libelous, defamatory or embarrassing to another person or entity. Be respectful of the rights and opinions of others.

Be honest and transparent about who you are: While you may certainly acknowledge that you are a student of the UCR School of Medicine, unless you have been authorized by University Public Relations, you should not portray yourself as a spokesperson or even an unofficial spokesperson. Avoid the use of official School or University logos, insignias, banners, badges, emblems, brands, etc. that may mistakenly give this impression to others or the public. If you are using social media for your profession identity and use, consider a separate venue for your personal and private life.

Respect confidentiality: Refrain from discussing private conversations other than with those directly involved. Never discuss patient care details or post pictures or images that may identify individuals.

Live by the law: Do not post content that violates any state or federal laws, most notably those applicable to patient confidentiality and privacy (i.e. HIPPA). Always obtain written permission to use or reproduce copyrighted material or proprietary information.

The Internet is a public space: Remember that social media sites are public, no matter what privacy settings may be in place. Consider, in most cases, everything you post online will be seen by a public audience. Assume everyone is reading your post, no matter how obscure or secure the site to which you are posting may seem.

Use the “pause-before-posting” approach: Reflect on how the general public may perceive the content about to be posted. While you speak for yourself, the public will often perceive your actions reflecting UCR and the medical profession at large. Have you listened carefully? Is your post adding value to the discussion? Is the post helpful? Have you been courteous, sensitive and respectful?

These guidelines apply to personal use of social media. Social Media is defined as any electronic communication through which users create online communities to share information, ideas, personal messages, and other content. These include social networking sites (e.g. Facebook, Twitter), media-sharing sites (e.g. Flickr, YouTube), blogs, wikis, and podcasts among others. Use of official School of Medicine or UC Riverside social media sites are governed by existing policies by UCR public relations and university Administration. These guidelines are not intended to supersede existing related policies within the University or School of Medicine (e.g. Student Handbook), or pertinent local, state or federal regulations (e.g. the Health Insurance Portability & Accountability Act - HIPAA).

Safety Tips for Online Social Media & Networking: Self-Reflective Questions
  1. Did I set my privacy setting to help control who can look at my profile, information, and photos? While you can limit access somewhat, it is by no means complete. You have no control over what someone else may share about you.
  2. How much information about yourself do you want people to know about you? With whom will your “friends” share this information? Not everyone will respect your personal or physical space.
  3. Would I post this material on a roadside billboard or a television commercial? What would a stranger think about my post? What about my parents?
  4. What image am I projecting about me? My school? My university? And the medical profession at large? Remember that what you post leaves a “digital footprint” that is both public and can last in perpetuity. What might a patient think about my post? What would a future employer or residency program director think after seeing this post?
  5. Have I asked permission to post someone else’s image or information? Am I infringing on someone else’s privacy? Could I be hurting someone? Could I be the subject of a judiciary hearing? Could I be the subject of a libel or legal suit?
  6. Does my equipment have the proper spyware and virus protection installed? Many social networking sites collect profile information to spam you. Others contain links that can infect your equipment with viruses that potentially can destroy data and infect others with whom you communicate.
  • Federation of State Medical Boards: Model guidelines for the appropriate use of social media and social networking in medical practice. 2018. Accessed at on the Federation of State Medical Boards website.
  • Farnan JM, Sulmasy LS, Worster BK, et al.: Online medical professionalism: patient and public relationships: policy statement from the American College of Physician and Federation of State Medical Boards. Annals Intern Med 2013;158:620-7.
  • American Medical Association. AMA Policy.: Code of Medical Ethics. Accessed at on 15 April 2020.

Resources for Medical Students

On-Campus Mental Health Services

The UCR Counseling and Psychological Services (CAPS) office offers a variety of counseling and specialized professional services both virtually and in-person, to assist students in their career, personal and social development. These services include:

  • Individual and group counseling.
  • Workshops on suicide awareness, working with distressed students, stress management strategies, gender issues, diversity awareness, and goal setting.
  • Psychological assessment.

If additional psychiatric evaluation is warranted, CAPS will refer students to Student Health Services and/or one or more local psychiatrists who normally take Graduate Student Health Insurance Plan (GSHIP) AND are not faculty members appointed in the UCR School of Medicine. The CAPS is in the Health Services Building and is open from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m., with in person and virtual walk ins between 8:30 and 4:30 pm. For more information, call (951) 827-5531.  Crisis consultations with licensed mental health providers are available 24/7 by calling CAPS main line and selecting Option 1.

For after-hours emergencies (imminent risk of harm to self or others), call 911.

Student Health Services

The UCR Student Health Services offers Psychiatric services in addition to a variety of services including primary care, dental, laboratory, and pharmacy. Student Health Services is located in the Health Services Building and is open from 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Friday and 9 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. on Thursdays. Appointments may be made by calling (951) 827-3031 or by visiting

UCR Wellness Center “The Well” – programs and training

Off-Campus Counseling

The UC Riverside School of Medicine has contracted with Dr. Ronald Offenstein, M.D. of the Riverside Psychiatric Medical Group to provide outpatient counseling services to medical students. Students may receive a direct referral from the Counseling Center or can self-refer, either to Dr. Offenstein or the psychiatrist of their choice.

Dr. Offenstein has no clinical affiliation with the UCR School of Medicine, creating optimal separation between the mental health services and the medical education program administrative functions.  All counseling meetings are confidential, and the information disclosed during sessions is not disclosed at any time to anyone outside of the Riverside Psychiatric Medical Groups. Students are encouraged to seek counseling with the intent of maintaining good mental health and/or for help in addressing general life issues.

Ronald Offenstein, M.D.
Riverside Psychiatric Medical Group
5887 Brockton Avenue
Riverside, CA  92506
Phone:  (951) 275-8500

Hours:  Monday – Friday: 7:45 a.m. – 8:30 p.m.
Saturday - Sunday: By appointment

Orbach Science Library

Medical Education and Clinical Outreach Librarian

Elisa Cortez, Orbach Library Room 134
(951) 827-4614
General Reference or Library Resource Questions:

School of Medicine Library Website:

UCR Student Health Center

Veitch Student Center (west of Lot 15)
Monday-Friday: 8: a.m. – 4:30 p.m., except Thursday: 9 a.m. -4:30 p.m.
Appointments (951) 827-3031 or online

After Hour Care (if you have GSHIP insurance)

Urgent Care
Riverside Medical Clinic         
6405 Day Street
Riverside, CA 92507
(951) 782-5454

Emergency Care
Riverside Community Hospital
4445 Magnolia Avenue
Riverside, CA  92501
(951) 788-3000

Riverside Community Crisis Intervention
24 hours Crisis Hotline:  951-686-4357
Off-Campus Emergency:  911