Mission and Diversity
School of Medicine Mission
The mission of the UCR School of Medicine is to improve the health of the people of California and, especially, to serve Inland Southern California by training a diverse workforce of physicians and by developing innovative research and health care delivery programs that will improve the health of the medically underserved in the region and become models to be emulated throughout the state and nation.
In recognition of this charge, the UCR medical school has the following goals for its faculty:
- Provide students in the program with extensive personal advising by medical school faculty to assist them in evaluating their career aspirations,
- Deliver basic science and clinical instruction in a small group learning environment with intensive instructor-student interaction,
- Give highly qualified undergraduate and medical students the opportunity to participate in biomedical and community-based research experiences, and
- Offer opportunities for experiences in community medicine for both undergraduate and medical students.
Faculty and students will actively collaborate to build a strong foundation for:
- An enthusiasm for life-long, discerning, self-education;
- A commitment to humanistic, compassionate, and ethical care of the individual and family;
- An ongoing development of a broad foundation of knowledge and skills that integrates basic, clinical, social and behavioral sciences with the art of medicine;
- An understanding of the scientific method, an appreciation of its role in basic and clinical research, and the development and application of these habits of inquiry to address real problems;
- An active concern for the promotion of the health and well-being of the community with sensitivity to its diversity, and an understanding of the special challenges and requirements of a pluralistic society;
- Skills in effective communication, including the teaching of students, colleagues, patients and the community; and
- The ability to provide flexible, creative leadership in the setting of rapidly changing technology and societal needs through a systematic, multidisciplinary, and collaborative approach.
The following statement on diversity has been adopted by the medical school faculty.
We, the faculty, students and staff of the UCR School of Medicine believe that a diverse student body, faculty and staff are essential to achievement of academic excellence. We are committed to recruiting students, faculty and staff responsive to our mission whose diversity contributes to an optimal learning environment. People of varied backgrounds, by which we mean those with a variety of personal experiences, values and worldviews arising from differences of culture and circumstance, bring added value to the education of students, research, and service to the community. In building a diverse medical school, those differences that can add to the value of our educational environment include, but are not limited to: gender, race, ethnicity, age, religious affiliation, abilities/disabilities, educational or socio-economic disadvantage (distance traveled), first in family to attend an institution of higher learning, personal or family experience of having limited access to health care, unique or challenging life experiences, and sexual orientation.
We are committed to recognizing and nurturing merit, talent and achievement by supporting diversity and equal opportunity in our education, services and administration, as well as research and creative activity. We will endeavor to remove barriers to the recruitment, retention, and advancement of talented students, faculty and staff from historically excluded populations who are currently underrepresented in medical education and the practice of medicine. Recruitment efforts and resources will be aligned with the goal to recruit individuals from groups underrepresented in medicine into faculty positions, recognizing that faculty, in particular, serve as role models to attract a diverse student body. Given the mission of the UCR School of Medicine and the desire to see the faculty, as well as the student body, reflect the cultural, socioeconomic, and ethnic diversity of the region that we serve, searches will endeavor to recruit faculty with these diverse characteristics.
Read the Mission, Diversity, & Values Statements of the UCR School of Medicine