Student Code of Conduct and Honor Code
Student Conduct Policy
A medical student in his or her role as an apprentice physician is bound by rules of conduct known as the Medical Code of Ethics. The principles are outlined in the UCR School of Medicine Honor Code.
Students should conduct themselves at all times in a manner appropriate to the high calling of the medical profession to which they are aspiring. Lecture room courtesy requires arriving for classes on time and treating all lecturers with respect. Questions should be directed to the lecturer at his/her discretion.
Most lectures are optional; however mandatory lectures and all lab periods, PBL, doctoring and clinical sessions are to be attended unless a person is ill or has been excused. It is the duty of each student to inform the Office of Student Affairs when he or she cannot attend a required session. In the clinical years, the clerkship director should be notified directly.
UCR School of Medicine Honor Code
As a UCR medical student, I recognize that it is a great privilege and responsibility to study medicine.
When I entered this school, I undertook the task of maintaining a certain standard of conduct not only as a student, but also as a future physician.
Each student should strive to develop and maintain personal honor and integrity as well as compassionate and ethical behavior. It is the responsibility and duty of each student to achieve these ideals. Rather than an inclusive listing, the honor code outlines the behavior and ideals that medical students believe to be important; students should strive to progress beyond these guidelines.
Academic Honesty
- I will maintain the highest standards of academic and personal honesty.
- I will neither give nor receive unpermitted aid in examinations or assignments.
- I will conduct research in an unbiased manner, report results truthfully, and credit ideas developed and work done by others.
- I will uphold an atmosphere conducive to learning in all educational settings (e.g. classrooms, clinical rotations, simulation labs).
- I will not undertake any activity that will impart me with an unfair and unpermitted advantage over others.
- I will regard confidentiality as a central obligation of patient care.
- I will limit discussion of patients to members of the health care team in settings removed from the public (e.g. not in elevators, hallways, cafeterias).
Respect for Others
- I will treat patients and their families with respect and dignity, both in their presence and in discussions with other members of the health care team.
- I will interact with patients in a way that respects their privacy and modesty.
- I will interact with all members of the health care team in a considerate and cooperative manner.
- I will not discriminate nor will I tolerate discrimination on the basis of race, ethnicity, gender, religion, sexual orientation, age, disability, disease state, or socioeconomic status.
- I will attempt to resolve conflicts in a manner that preserves the dignity of every person involved.
- I will be truthful with patients and will report accurately historical and physical findings, test results, and other information pertinent to the care of the patient.
- I will be sensitive and respectful to the religious, ethnic and cultural beliefs of patients, even if they differ from my own.
- I will treat fellow students, staff and faculty with respect and dignity at all times, respecting their privacy and modesty.
- I will set patient care and well-being as the highest priorities in the clinical setting.
- I will recognize my own limitations and will appropriately seek help or consultation to ensure patient care and optimize my continuing learning.
- I will conduct myself professionally - in my demeanor, use of language and appearance - in the presence of patients, in the classroom, and in professional settings • I will not use alcohol or drugs in any way that could potentially interfere with my professional responsibilities.
- I will not use my professional position to engage in romantic or sexual relationships with patients or members of their families.
- I will not permit access to controlled substances unless medically warranted, nor will I allow others to permit such access.
- I will not tolerate violations of the Honor Code in others and take appropriate action.
- I will endeavor to work harmoniously with my colleagues and do my share when teamwork is required.
- As their representative, I will uphold the reputations of my school and profession.
- I will uphold the policies, regulations and rules of the university, School of Medicine, its affiliated health care facilities, and all other pertinent regulatory and professional standards.
- I will endeavor to uphold these principles in both letter and spirit.